Friday, June 24, 2011

Heart Songs Day 21

I love Adele. It is like she hears my heart across the Atlantic. I had forgotten about this song until i popped up on my pandora today. This is the type of song I would put on repeat until I couldn't stand it anymore. I don't like the way this song makes me hurt in places that I only let a few in. I keep asking myself why did he leave me.  This song touches on all those questions that you never get to ask when you are left standing in the middle of your street crying watching who you thought the love of your life drive away in his 1997 Black Jetta.

I could go on and on trying to figure out why he left. But it doesn't matter, he did. So now what am I going to do? I am going to get better. I am going to work on me. I don't have to figure out what his deal is anymore, its not even worth it. I want someone who NO matter what would never leave me. 

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