Monday, June 6, 2011

Heart Song: Day 5

No, it's not the Cure. Although the Cure version is quite lovely. I posted the Adele version because that is the version that sparked my brain to want to post this little diddy. She is amazing, don't you think. I mean the song was always very stripped down when the cure sang it, but her simplicity sends chills up my spin at 730am. (That was about the time it came across my pandora Light's Ellie Goulding play list. And it got me to thinking about how love is pure and stripped down.

I can remember the first time I fell in love. It was on a playground. Summer before Freshman Year in HS. It was my very first Guess Who's Coming to Dinner  moment.  His name, was Joe. He played baseball. When he kissed me my toe's tingle. I thought we would be together forever. And we were, until his mother found out and forbade him to see me. I was heartbroken. I never thought I would get over it. But days faded into weeks and weeks into months and then I was off to my next conquest. 

So why is it now. I am stuck in this pattern of baldness I have affectionately called the pit of despair. Why can't those day's turn into week, weeks turn in to months, and months turn in to years. Have I forgotten how stripped down love can be. I think we make love complex and that is when things start to go a muck. People who get it right keep it simple. Keeping the complex world outside.  

I mean I could be wrong.

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