Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Heart Song: Day 19

I heard this song tonight and I couldn't help but post it. It's amazing to me what thoughts a song can put into your head. I use to think that I would wait forever for love. Just like this guy who said he wasn't moving. I use to think that he would wake up and miss me. And maybe he does. But that isn't enough anymore.

I got moves to make and places I wanna go. And I want someone at my side who doesn't have those things in the way (my ex has 5 kids, 3 different baby mommas and a whole lot of emotional problems that NO ONE  should have to deal with). But that's the problem when you try to love someone unconditionally. You accept them as they are, not as you want them to be. But may that's what got me into this mess in the first place. Maybe I should expect more in the beginning and stop settling. Thinking that things will get better or he will change. That attitude has clearly made it so I sleep alone every night. 

While this is a great song to listen to, I can't feed into the bullshit that it feeds me anymore. People don't really ever feel this way do they? I haven't met anyone...

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