Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Heart Songs: Day 11

Tonight we take break from the songs. Although this video has an AWESOME song in it, it is something that I made. It was my first project for my production and editing class at Columbia. The script that I wrote for it impressed my classmates so much that I made me produce this one. I would have rather made a little ditty about my cat. But I digress.

In this 5 minute video I summed up 3 years of feelings. It was the hardest thing I had ever had to do. I thought it would make him see. I mean who has their relationship immortalized in a video. Not many can say that they do. 

I can remember when it was done showing it to him. And he said nothing. No comment, not good job, no nothing. It broke my heart. I cried in the bathroom that night. I didn't want him to see that he had hurt me. I guess this was a fail attempt to get him to really SEE ME. But if you can't see yourself, then how is someone else gonna see you. 

What I did learn from making this video is that at times, and certainly not today cause I feel like I am babbling, I have a way with words. I can make them dance on a page like fairies twinkling in the moonlight. I can evoke emotion through images and sounds. I have a talent. I have never been as happy as I am when I am creating video, or producing a show, or writing a scene. 

Even though the subject makes me quite sad now, I was truly impressed with myself. And my ability to create and freeze one of the happiest moments in my life. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did enjoy creating it.

1 comment:

  1. I think what stands out of how you've taken one moment and really focused in on it like a microscope - something so normal yet no one talks about it and its really so meaningful in our mind, heart, and memory. excellent job! I remember those moments... they are so precious! thanks for sharing!
