Monday, November 28, 2011

I am not paranoid...

Today's thought. Why do people think they have the right to police the things you write or post or whatever. I have always been a writer, even at a young age I would spend my evenings after homework writing letters of love or of friendship to those in my life. Never as a child did I ever think that the internet would become what it has. But writing has always been my way of getting things out so that I can better understand myself and certain situations that arise in my life. And since the conception of FACEBOOK and MY Space my thoughts have always gotten me into trouble.

For a long time I thought it was ME because I am lacking what some peole call a sensor tollerance. But as of late I am starting to think it is everyone else.  One of the freedoms that I enjoy is that one they call the First Amendment.  Which basically gives me the right to say what the fuck I want. But I do try to take peoples sensitivities into consideration before I say certain things, well at least I use to. But I have gotten to the point where as long as I am not literally causing harm to anyone, what does it matter. I think people need to make a decision, you are either gonna keep reading or stop. I am not asking anyone to ever read what I have to say, because who am I other than a woman who has decided to put pen to paper and make sense of her crazy world.

In trying to focus on myself more and less on the past, I find that I need to be free in what I say because that is going to help me find my true self. It is very hard to look at yourself and find those places where you have hidden for so long, especially if people are constantly berading you and trying to get you to shut up so to speak. But I think about all of those before me who screamed loudly through their actions and I think, well I can keep doing this.

So where does Rockwell fit into all these. He really doesn't, I posted this song more for the haters out there because at times they make me feel like I am being watched. It's like people are waiting for me to fuck up. But that's just it even when you do fuck up you can start over and try again. Life is about taking chances, as many as you need to until you get where you are going. And I am going to keep taking chances every day till I get there.


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