Saturday, June 4, 2011

Heart Song: Day 3

I was sitting at home today with an old friend and this video came on tv. And it made me giggle at first because of the crazy big ROCK hair, and the skinny white lady dressed in white and you could see her thong. And the way she was dancing and tossing her uber permed blonde hair around trying to entice the lead singer of Whitesnake. It just so... to me. I could help but giggle.

But as I continued to watch and the music came foward as the video faced to the background, I was reminded of what a deep song this power ballad of my youth was. He is asking the ultimate question..."Is this love?"

I mean how do you really know. The media paints this picture of what love should be and some of us spend our lives chasing that dream created with some good lighting and a awesome writing staff.  It can all be quite exhausting. 

I spent seven years trying to figure out the very answer to that question. And in the end I still never got what the answer was. I think we spend most of our lives answering that question in some small way, shape or form. Love is what you make of it. What you put in you hope to get back, sometimes you don't get everything, sometimes you get more than you want. 

What is important I think for me right now is HOW you love. How is people remember you when you leave. What did you leave your love on. Nothing is promised in this life, so you gotta just keep on loving. And I have vowed to keep on love myself and those around me. 

I just gotta do a better job of who get's all my love. I think the lead singer of Whitesnake for reminding me of that.

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