Friday, June 3, 2011

Heart Song: Day 2

So all day I was surrounded by crying. A mbr's crying at work. A friend's crying about having to run all these errands before wisking away with her baby daddy and son to visit his family, and some of my own crying. And it got me to thinking about the fact that I haven't really cried.

Some might think that above statement not to be true. Because the fact I have done a WHOLE LOT of crying. Just ask my friend Cookie, who I think has heard most of the crying over the past 3 or 4 years. You would think I would be done crying from all the crying I am done. But that was just breaking through the thick layer of pain that was surrounding in my 477lbs., body at the time. It wasn't until I begun to break through that shell was when I was really able to cry.

So for the past year I have been slowing beginning to chip away at that shell.  And I think for the rest of my life, even when the physical chipping is done, the metaphysical one will carry on.

So today's heart song celebrates what I will NOT be crying about because let's face it, that layer is long gone. 

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