Sunday, July 3, 2011

Heart Songs: Day 26 and 27

I am having a hard time deciding on a video for tonight. Mostly because I just had the most AMAZING 24 hours of my life yesterday. But if I had to pick one I would pick the video below.

I had forgotten how much I LOVED life. I stopped believing in it. I stopped believing in myself. It wasn't until last night that I thought about how much I have really accomplished in the past year. It is AMAZING feeling the way I do and being able to live life again. 
I can remember a time where I would have NOT been able to sit in the sun all day on a bench. Just that alone would have made me tired. I can't remember the last time that I didn't mind standing in a line, and having to walk a 2 blocks to get to the end of a line and then stand it it for 20 mins. Being able to walk to the bathroom and back with out breaking a sweat. I am just so in aww of that alone.

Then I was reminded of how good and decent people can be, especially young people. I met these amazing ladies below at the concert who after a big of "mamma bear" enforcement earned this girl a FRONT ROW spot to experience the most ROCKIN concert I have EVER BEEN TO, and I got to see the hottie name Adam Lavine. I hope these ladies know how much I value the fast friendship we developed just trying to see our favorite band in concert. 

Lastly but certainly not least I would like to thank the following ladies. Toiya, Tabby, Tyra, Ericka and Myronica. Without you ladies my little plan would have falling into the wind. I wanna thank Toiya for braving the sun for 4 hours with me just the to of us. It went buy SO quick how much fun did we have just us to. Tabby for being so flexible as our original plan was changed. I am so happy we got that time to just chill and celebrate our successes over the past six months. And Tyra, we have been doing it this big for so many years, I can't wait for the next 30 more!! Ericka, see I told you it was gonna be AWESOME. I am so happy you came!!  And to our "member at heart" Myronica I know you were there in spirt.

So the concert was AWESOME. Adam was hot. If you are my facebook friend just find the Maroon 5 picture folder and enjoy. I had such a great time and i will never forget how this day help repair my heart and my soul so much.  I have something to believe in again.

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