Sunday, October 2, 2011

I'm gonna be my own best friend.

Truth is that it was over ages ago. But we both kept pulling each other back and forth like that Cameo song. I kept playing with breaking up with him. I would get so angry and tell him to go fuck himself one day and then 7, 14, 21 or 30 day's later I would change my mind. I think the longest I went was six months once. Now looking back on it, it seems so stupid, such a waste of time, I could have been doing anything else. I thought maybe we could figure it out and work it out, but that wasn't the case. I am incapable of that anymore.

I could go into the million reasons why, and explain and ramble on and on, but its to late for all that now. So I chose Me, Myself and I today. Doesn't matter anymore why. What does matter is that I finally have gotten it through my thick skull that this isn't going to work. That he isn't my husband and that I don't need him in my life anymore.

For 3 hours today I cried. I cried so much that I gave myself a headache.  And then I looked up and outside and I suddenly felt better. I don't know, it was like the control he had over me was gone. I flew out the window with the bee that scared the crap out of me. I think I realized that this was familiar to me and easy. I knew how to navigate this relationship and pretend that everything was okay. He checked out a year ago, stating that it's easy for him because I have been so back and forth over the past year that he knew this was coming eventually and that he was sorry that he couldn't make me happy the way I deserved to be happy. Which, I hate to admit there is some truth in that. Doesn't make it any easier though.

I think I finally heard what everyone else was trying to tell me. And maybe now I can get on with my life. I wanna thank everyone who has listen to me cry over the last 8 years. I know some of you have just gotten tired of me and this and I truly appreciate everything you have said or done. I think I have finally remembered those things that had gotten lost along the way.

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